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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Ten More Things You Can Do To Help Your Teenager Get Off Weed

11. Know the facts about drug and alcohol use and abuse. Your teen needs you to be knowledgeable; otherwise you are unable to help him or her in this area.
12. Know what drugs are common in your kid’s school. Know what the signs are of use and abuse. Do not stick your head in the sand. Be vigilant, informed and smart. Do you know what 4-20 means?
13. Go to school. Meet teachers, principals, aides, and the school nurse.
14. Encourage teens to have appropriate outlets for emotional tension. Physical activity is effective. Television, videogames—NOT.
15. Give up your weekend. Not all the time, but you may not actually have the freedom that you envisioned when they were little. You need to be attentive to keep them safe, and you need to be around and available.
16. Earn your teenager’s respect by your good, honorable, ethical and respectable behavior.
17. Parents have tremendous influence; don’t underestimate the importance of your behavior, because what you do counts, a lot!
18. What you do every day by providing healthy food, support, and a comforting home, provides the very stress-antidotes your teen needs.
19. Make home a place where kids can re-charge their batteries, feel safe and supported.
20. Help ensure your teenager has other safe adults in whom s/he can confide and go to for advice. And you decide who’s safe

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